Like a calm morning by the sea, this beautiful bouquet of blue and white blooms arranged in a stunning, hand-blown art glass keepsake vase, invigorates and inspires.
Capture the magic of the sparkling sea with this soothing bouquet of blue hydrangea and white roses, artfully arranged in a breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase that will remain a dcor favorite for years to come! This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray. Capture the magic of the sparkling sea with this soothing bouquet of blue hydrangea and white roses, artfully arranged in a breathtaking, hand-blown art glass vase that will remain a dcor favorite for years to come! Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Lapis Gemstone Art Glass vase. This beautiful bouquet includes blue hydrangea, white roses, white spray roses, parvifolia eucalyptus, and lemon leaf.