.Delivered in a bright yellow vase.Surprise someone you love with an array of amazing daisies in a charming yellow vase that's bright as sunshine. Surprise someone you love with an array of amazing daisies in a charming yellow vase that's bright as sunshine.
Send sunshine someone's way with this long-lasting gift of a yellow chrysanthemum plant. Yellow daisies in a terra-cotta pot. Sweet As A Daisy | Daisies | Same Day Flower Delivery | Yellow | Teleflora Does it get any sweeter than that? A 6-inch yellow mum plant is delivered in a classic terra-cotta pot with saucer..
A yellow gerbera plant is presented in a yellow-glazed terra-cotta pot. A yellow gerbera plant is presented in a yellow-glazed terra-cotta pot. Teleflora Rainbow Rays Potted Gerbera - Yellow - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement.