The center arrangement consists of lavender roses, dark pink Asiatic lilies, pink mini calla lilies, lavender freesia, purple and lavender stock, fuchsia carnations and mini carnations, purple mokara orchids and purple matsumoto asters. The FTD Refreshing Mix Casket Spray is a set of three arrangements that flank the top of the casket for an exquisite and sophisticated look, ideal for a closed casket service. All three arrangements are placed on individual pieces of purple sheer fabric which hang down for an elegant look.End Pieces approximately 24W x 30D. The two end pieces consist of dark pink Asiatic lilies, purple double lisianthus, purple and lavender stock, lavender roses, fuchsia carnations, lavender freesia, lavender traditional daisies and matsumoto asters.
Sympathy Flowers
FTD Refreshing Mix Casket Spray
Specifications of FTD Refreshing Mix Casket Spray | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
Instock | instock |
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