Orientation: All-Around . Lovely lavender roses, light pink spray roses, purple tulips and brilliant blue hydrangea are accented with fresh greens and delivered in an exclusive Mercury Glass Bowl. Orientation: All-Around . Teleflora Purple Elegance Centerpiece - Blue - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement Gorgeous lavender, purple, pink and blue blossoms create a luxurious arrangement that is as dynamic as it is distinctive. Majestic and magical. Lovely lavender roses, light pink spray roses, purple tulips and brilliant blue hydrangea are accented with fresh greens and delivered in an exclusive Mercury Glass Bowl. This jewel toned flower centerpiece is a gem! Exciting and Elegant.
Mixed Bouquets > Purple
Purple Elegance Centerpiece , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Teleflora
Specifications of Purple Elegance Centerpiece , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
Instock | instock |
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