Teleflora Blooming Garden Basket - Yellow - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement Orientation: All-Around . This lush garden of potted flowering plants includes yellow miniature roses, pink azalea, African violets, hot pink hypoestes and green ivy.Delivered in a natural basket with a handle, so it's easy to move and place around the house. Orientation: All-Around . This colorful and long-lasting collection of mixed plants in a basket is a perfect pick for garden lovers. This lush garden of potted flowering plants includes yellow miniature roses, pink azalea, African violets, hot pink hypoestes and green ivy.Delivered in a natural basket with a handle, so it's easy to move and place around the house.
For Home > Sympathy Floral Baskets
Blooming Garden Basket , Roses , Same Day Flower Delivery , Multi-Colored , Teleflora
Specifications of Blooming Garden Basket , Roses , Same Day Flower Delivery , Multi-Colored , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
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