The lovely bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations and white button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery. So much beauty for such a merrily modest price tag. The elegant holiday bouquet includes white roses, white Asiatic lilies, white carnations and white button spray chrysanthemums accented with assorted greenery. Perfect for Christmas or Hanukkah, this exquisite all-white bouquet in a dazzling mirrored silver cube may be petite, but it will make a huge impression. Perfect for Christmas or Hanukkah, this exquisite all-white bouquet in a dazzling mirrored silver cube may be petite, but it will make a huge impression. So much beauty for such a merrily modest price tag. Perfect for Christmas or Hanukkah, this exquisite all-white bouquet in a dazzling mirrored silver cube may be petite, but it will make a huge impression. So much beauty for such a merrily modest price tag. The lovely bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white Asiatic
Mixed Bouquets > White
Peace & Joy Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , White , Teleflora
Specifications of Peace & Joy Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , White , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
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