Love smolders in this sizzling bouquet of lush lavender, red, hot pink and coral roses stunningly presented in a red contemporary cube. She'll be thrilled. A lot of excitement for such a reasonable price tag. Romantic roses in passionate shades of red, pink and purple express love and devotion to that special someone. She'll fall in love with you all over again. The rest is up to you. A mix of red, pink, coral and lavender roses is contrasted by an understated collar of green salal leaves.Presented in Teleflora's radiant red cube vase. A mix of red, pink, coral and Imagine the look on her face when she opens the door and sees this ravishingly romantic bouquet. A mix of red, pink, coral and lavender roses is contrasted by an understated collar of green salal leaves.Presented in Teleflora's radiant red cube vase. Dense and dramatic, the classic blooms look especially chic in our modern red cube vase. Surprise her with roses in four gorgeous shades of love artistically arranged in a red contemporary cube.
Roses > Red
Madly In Love Bouquet With Red Roses , Same Day Flower Delivery , Teleflora
Specifications of Madly In Love Bouquet With Red Roses , Same Day Flower Delivery , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
Instock | instock |
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