This cheerful arrangement features yellow roses, yellow spray roses, light yellow stock, light yellow carnations, spiral eucalyptus and lemon leaf. The happy bouquet is hand-delivered in a shimmering golden cube with delicate cutouts. The happy bouquet is hand-delivered in a shimmering golden cube with delicate cutouts. Delivered in Teleflora's Celebrate Remove the teal liner and "thanks" and the cube becomes a contemporary candleholder. The happy bouquet is hand-delivered in a shimmering golden cube with delicate cutouts. Show your appreciation in a most stylish way with this sunny bouquet of yellow roses, stock and carnations! Show your appreciation in a most stylish way with this sunny bouquet of yellow roses, stock and carnations! Remove the teal liner and "thanks" and the cube becomes a contemporary candleholder. Show your appreciation in a most stylish way with this sunny bouquet of yellow roses, stock and carnations! Remove the teal liner and "thanks" and the cube becomes a contemporary candleholder.
Mixed Bouquets > Yellow
Shimmer Of Thanks Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Yellow , Teleflora
Specifications of Shimmer Of Thanks Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Yellow , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
Instock | instock |
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