Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, purple button spray chrysanthemums, hot pink carnations and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller and silver dollar eucalyptus. Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, purple button spray chrysanthemums, hot pink carnations and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in Teleflora's Serendipity Glass Vase. Inspired by the English countryside, this gorgeous pink rose arrangement looks perfectly posh in a frosted pink glass vase. Delivered in Teleflora's Serendipity Glass Vase. Inspired by the English countryside, this gorgeous pink rose arrangement looks perfectly posh in a frosted pink glass vase. Inspired by the English countryside, this gorgeous pink rose arrangement looks perfectly posh in a frosted pink glass vase. Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, purple button spray chrysanthemums, hot pink carnations and lavender sinuata statice are arranged with dusty miller and silver dollar eucalyptus. Delivered in
Mixed Bouquets > Multi-Colored
Cotswald Garden Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Multi-Colored , Teleflora
Specifications of Cotswald Garden Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Multi-Colored , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
Instock | instock |
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