This arrangement includes crme roses, white alstroemeria, light blue delphinium, white button spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Beauty Mosaic Vase. Like puffy white clouds in a crisp blue sky, this beautiful rose bouquet is perfectly complemented by a soft blue mosaic glass vase that shimmers with an iridescent finish. Like puffy white clouds in a crisp blue sky, this beautiful rose bouquet is perfectly complemented by a soft blue mosaic glass vase that shimmers with an iridescent finish. Delivered in Teleflora's Blue Beauty Mosaic Vase. Heaven on earth! This arrangement includes crme Heaven on earth! Spreading light, this blue sky-inspired bouquet of cloudy white roses looks heavenly in a keepsake mosaic vase with iridescent finish. This arrangement includes crme roses, white alstroemeria, light blue delphinium, white button spray chrysanthemums, purple sinuata statice, dusty miller, spiral eucalyptus and pitta negra.
Mixed Bouquets > Multi-Colored
Spreading Light Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Multi-Colored , Teleflora
Specifications of Spreading Light Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Multi-Colored , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
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