Sweet as a kiss, Teleflora's Rosy Quartz Bouquet is a precious pink arrangement in an iridescent mosaic glass vase perfect for your next celebration!
This arrangement includes pink roses, white spray roses, pink carnations,. This arrangement includes pink roses, white spray roses, pink carnations, miniature light yellow carnations, light yellow sinuata statice, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Rosy Quartz Bouquet | Roses | Same Day Flower Delivery | Multi-Colored | Teleflora This pastel bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Radiantly Rosy Cylinder.Sweet as a kiss, Teleflora's Rosy Quartz Bouquet is a precious pink arrangement in an iridescent mosaic glass vase perfect for your next celebration! This arrangement includes pink roses, white spray roses, pink carnations, miniature light yellow carnations, light yellow sinuata statice, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern.