This pink bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Charming Mosaic Cylinder. Charmed, I'm sure! Sweep them off their feet with this lovely bouquet of pink blooms presented in a magnificent mosaic vase of pearlescent stained glass. Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, miniature red carnations and pink sinuata statice are arranged with Charmed, I'm sure! This pink bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Charming Mosaic Cylinder. Sweep them off their feet with this lovely bouquet of pink blooms presented in a magnificent mosaic vase of pearlescent stained glass. Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, miniature red carnations and pink sinuata statice are arranged with pitta negra and lemon leaf. Pink roses, pink alstroemeria, hot pink carnations, miniature red carnations and pink sinuata statice are arranged with pitta negra and lemon leaf. Charmed, I'm sure! Sweep them off their feet with this lovely bouquet of pink blooms presented in a magnificent mosaic vase of pearlescent stained glass.
Mixed Bouquets > Red
Charming Mosaic Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Red , Teleflora
Specifications of Charming Mosaic Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Red , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
Instock | instock |
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