This bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Love Always Vase. Red hot! Arranged with a ravishing all-red bouquet, this glass keepsake vase features a modern geometric pattern and pretty pearlescent finish. Teleflora's Geometric Beauty Bouquet features red roses, red spray roses, red Red hot! This bouquet is delivered in Teleflora's Love Always Vase. Arranged with a ravishing all-red bouquet, this glass keepsake vase features a modern geometric pattern and pretty pearlescent finish. Teleflora's Geometric Beauty Bouquet features red roses, red spray roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations and miniature red carnations arranged with huckleberry, leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Teleflora's Geometric Beauty Bouquet features red roses, red spray roses, red alstroemeria, red carnations and miniature red carnations arranged with huckleberry, leatherleaf fern and lemon leaf. Red hot! Arranged with a ravishing all-red bouquet, this glass keepsake vase features a modern geometric pattern and pretty pearlescent finish.
Mixed Bouquets > Red
Geometric Beauty Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Red , Teleflora
Specifications of Geometric Beauty Bouquet , Mixed Bouquets , Same Day Flower Delivery , Red , Teleflora | |
Category | Arts & Entertainment > Party & Celebration > Gift Giving > Fresh Cut Flowers |
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